About Us

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Fairfield, Queensland, Australia
Fairfield Writers Group is a mix of beginner and experienced writers who meet the second and fourth Saturdays of the month at the Brisbane City Council Library in Fairfield Gardens Shopping Centre, Fairfield road, Fairfield, Queensland. Our passion is writing and we work hard at our craft. Our aim is to encourage, support and help each other to reach new heights in our writing. New members are always made welcome and usually whisked off to the local coffee shop at the end of meetings for sustenance and socialisation with the rest of the crew.

Welcome to Fairfield Writers Group

We hope you will stop for a while and browse our site and if you like what you see, please visit us again soon.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Minutes of Exercise meeting
9th of July 2011
Fairfield Library

Present: Anna, Helga, Lorraine, Maarten, Wendy
Apologies:  Carol, Findlay
Chairing this meeting:  Anna
Taking minutes this meeting: Helga
The following key points were discussed
in this meeting:

  1. Anna presented her “Plan of assignments to keep track of the work we are doing. Anna will put link on Google docs for future assignments.
  2. Minutes to be sent to Anna within a fortnight after every meeting.
  3. Copyright agreement to be put onto blog.
  4. Competitions to be noted on blog.
  5. Anna suggested to supply a template for future minute-reporting
  6. Maarten suggested the writing of “Limericks” as next assignment     
  7. Lorraine put forward the idea of writing a report on impressions one might get at entering a room.
  8. Assignments from last month’s meeting were discussed/critiqued
  • Wendy read out her piece on “anaphora 
  • Lorraine read out letter she wrote that fitted in with our exercises. It was decided to be put on our blog.
  • Helga read out her poem about alliteration using the “k” sound and a jingle using the “t” sound. Both pieces were considered to be put on our blog.
     9.Helga suggested that full names of authors should be mentioned for works that are being     published on the blog

10. Next Exercise meeting to be on 13 August 2011 at the back of Fairfield Library.

Minutes of Novel/Short Story meeting
23rd of July 2011
Fairfield Library

Present:   Ely, Erwin, Carol , Helga, Anna, Findlay, Lorraine
Apologies:  Lou, Maarten
 Chairing this meeting:  Anna
 Taking minutes this meeting: Lorraine

·        Erwin and Ely were welcomed.  (Erwin attended some years ago and has, happily, returned.)
·        Anna explained the group meeting format to Erwin and Ely.
·        Carol presented a letter from QWC re membership renewal.  Anna explained what QWC do and the benefits of membership, and passed out some QWC brochures.
·        Anna commented that next year it would be desirable to do more workshops.
·        Members presented their writing for critiquing:
·         Lorraine presented a 2500 word story, “RSVP”, about a mother agonising over an invitation to her daughter’s overseas wedding, revealing the emotions of a mother having to let her child grow away from her.
·         Findlay presented a 3000 word story, “The Other George Hammond”, about a widow discovering that her husband had an affair, and murdering his mistress. This humorous and well-written ‘sting in the tail’ story ended by exposing that the wife was also having an affair.
·        Helga presented a very short piece titled “Changing Times”, exposing information about changes in the Brisbane landscape over several decades, and revealing her philosophy on change.
·         Anna presented a delightful children’s story titled “Snaily Bakes a Cake”
·         The group provided excellent feedback, offering very constructive critiques on each of these pieces.

·         Following tea/coffee and biscuits kindly provided by the library, Erwin presented an extract from a novel he called “Emmanuel”, set in the Philippines, and benefited from some detailed critical comments and suggestions on what promises to be a very interesting story.

·         The meeting closed at approx 12.45 pm.
Next meetings:

9 July – Exercise Group
Anthology Group
23 July– Novel/short story

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