About Us

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Fairfield, Queensland, Australia
Fairfield Writers Group is a mix of beginner and experienced writers who meet the second and fourth Saturdays of the month at the Brisbane City Council Library in Fairfield Gardens Shopping Centre, Fairfield road, Fairfield, Queensland. Our passion is writing and we work hard at our craft. Our aim is to encourage, support and help each other to reach new heights in our writing. New members are always made welcome and usually whisked off to the local coffee shop at the end of meetings for sustenance and socialisation with the rest of the crew.

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Friday, September 9, 2011


Working With Words

Newsletter – August 2011

Fairfield Writers Group

Website http://fairfieldwritersgroup-queensland.blogspot.com

In this issue:

Minutes of meeting – Exercises Group

Minutes of meeting – Novel/Short Story Group

Meeting Dates
                                     August, 2011

Minutes of Exercise meeting

13th of August 2011



Present: Anna, Carol, Jennifer, Maarten, Helga, Anne D, Findlay, Anne and Vera.
Minutes: Findlay

  • We welcomed Anne to the meeting.

  • The meeting revolved around Maaten’s proposal that each member write three limericks. Limericks were read out by Helga, Anna, Jennifer, Maarten and Findlay.

  • Anna undertook to put one limerick from each participant on the FWG blog.

  • All of the limericks were both clever and funny.

  • Anne will decide on the exercise for the next meeting

Next meetings:

10 September – Exercise Group       
    24 September– Novel/short story

Fairfield Writers Group Novel and Short Story Meeting
27th August 2011

Chair:  Findlay
Minutes:  Lorraine
Meeting opened 10:45 a.m.
Present:  Findlay, Lorraine, Helga, Maarten, Carol, Anne, Erwin, Wendy, Anne and Vera.
Apologies:  Anna
v  At Findlay’s request, the meeting commenced with discussion of a motion re management of future Anthology projects. Findlay correctly remarked that this was an FWG issue—not exclusively a 2011 Anthology Project team issue—as it affects participants in future Anthology projects who may or may not be part of the current Anthology project team.
v  Members read the motion and discussed it. Helga commented that future projects require a project manager—separate from the typesetter/editor/proof reader—to monitor deadlines and ensure members meet their obligations. Maarten agreed. There was general agreement with the proposal in the motion, including the proposal to bring forward payment of participation fees and that members who do not meet their obligations should have their stories removed and forfeit their participation fee.

v  Findlay requested that the motion be rewritten in an abbreviated form, and the motion be posted on the blog.

v  Lorraine moved the motion. Helga seconded. The motion was carried unanimously.

v  Vera apologized for not presenting writing work and said that she had been taken to task over her lack of participation. The group responded, in general agreement, that if she derives benefit from attending without presenting writing work, that is fine and she should continue to participate in ways she is comfortable with. Hopefully she will eventually feel confident to present writing pieces, but in the meantime her contribution to critiquing and discussion is appreciated and we are pleased that she derives pleasure and learning from her attendance.

v  Carol presented a second draft of Chapter 1 of “Disaster the Second Time Around”. We are all looking forward to further installments of what promises to be an interesting tale.
v  Erwin presented a piece titled “Fruit of Thy Womb”, including reading a passage of it aloud. Members enjoyed the Phillipino flavour.
v  Helga presented a descriptive piece called “Brisbane-Mt Cootha Botanic Gardens”.  All agreed it would be ideal for a tourist brochure.
v  Anne presented the Eulogy she wrote for her mother’s funeral (read aloud by Lorraine). Though very personal and accordingly difficult to critique, all agreed the piece was beautifully written and very moving. Members made suggestions for stories about Anne’s mother’s life.
v  Lorraine presented a short story titled “What the Gypsy Knew”, about a woman visiting a fortune teller.
v  Findlay presented a short story called “Rosita”—a delightful story with a surprise ending.
The meeting closed at approx 12:45pm.

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