About Us

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Fairfield, Queensland, Australia
Fairfield Writers Group is a mix of beginner and experienced writers who meet the second and fourth Saturdays of the month at the Brisbane City Council Library in Fairfield Gardens Shopping Centre, Fairfield road, Fairfield, Queensland. Our passion is writing and we work hard at our craft. Our aim is to encourage, support and help each other to reach new heights in our writing. New members are always made welcome and usually whisked off to the local coffee shop at the end of meetings for sustenance and socialisation with the rest of the crew.

Welcome to Fairfield Writers Group

We hope you will stop for a while and browse our site and if you like what you see, please visit us again soon.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Written at Writing Workshop 9th January 2010.
Free Writing Exercise: Word prompt - hat

She had bought the hat on a whim.

It was not the sort of hat that she would normally have chosen but the price was right. It was made of coarse linen in a floral pattern and drooped, she hoped seductively, over one eye.

With luck, she thought, it would be good for business. Certainly it would stand out. It was a hat, she believed, that would be seen from afar. It would be a like a beacon, and perhaps in time become her trademark. “The Woman in the Floral Hat” had a certain ring to it.

She loosened the top button of her blouse, checked that the seams of her fishnets were straight beneath her short black skirt and walked out, hat on head, to stand at the street corner.

If business picked up, she thought, I might get a second hat just like the first.

The end.

Author: Findlay

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