About Us

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Fairfield, Queensland, Australia
Fairfield Writers Group is a mix of beginner and experienced writers who meet the second and fourth Saturdays of the month at the Brisbane City Council Library in Fairfield Gardens Shopping Centre, Fairfield road, Fairfield, Queensland. Our passion is writing and we work hard at our craft. Our aim is to encourage, support and help each other to reach new heights in our writing. New members are always made welcome and usually whisked off to the local coffee shop at the end of meetings for sustenance and socialisation with the rest of the crew.

Welcome to Fairfield Writers Group

We hope you will stop for a while and browse our site and if you like what you see, please visit us again soon.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


FWG Meeting Report
Saturday, 10th October, 2009
Writing Exercise - Voice and Intensity

Dear Fairfield Writer, There was large attendance at our meeting on Saturday 10th October. Present were members Carol, Helga, Anna, Lorainne, Findlay, Carol S, Lesley and Martin. They were pleased to welcome new members Lauren, Heather and Loise. The homework exercise was Effect From What Cause and the work presented illustrated the principle well. There was some discussion of alternative activities and it was decided to hold a special meeting on 21st November at 9.30am in Fairfield Library to reach decisions. In the meantime, members would put forward their proposals and contribute to survey questions so that the meeting can take into account all members wishes. Please indicate your wishes by email to Martin as soon as possible, who will relay these to everyone and attempt to organise the alternatives. Lesley surprised and saddened us with her news that she is dropping out because she wants to concentrate on her novel. She was one of the founding members, has filled a leadership role and will be much missed. Our Best Wishes for your future Lesley. Next month's meeting will be on Saturday November 14th at 10.30am when members' responses to the Voice And Intensity Exercise suggested by Carol will be discussed. The idea is that your writing style, or voice, should not be unsuitable for the topic you are writing about. Also, to verbify nouns. These are explained in the attachment. Happy writing.  Martin

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