About Us

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Fairfield, Queensland, Australia
Fairfield Writers Group is a mix of beginner and experienced writers who meet the second and fourth Saturdays of the month at the Brisbane City Council Library in Fairfield Gardens Shopping Centre, Fairfield road, Fairfield, Queensland. Our passion is writing and we work hard at our craft. Our aim is to encourage, support and help each other to reach new heights in our writing. New members are always made welcome and usually whisked off to the local coffee shop at the end of meetings for sustenance and socialisation with the rest of the crew.

Welcome to Fairfield Writers Group

We hope you will stop for a while and browse our site and if you like what you see, please visit us again soon.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


11 June 2011 – Fairfield Library

Present:   Helga, Jennifer, Lorraine, Lou, Maarten
Absent:  Anna, Findlay
Chairing this meeting:   Lorraine
Taking minutes this meeting: Jennifer

The following key points were discussed in this meeting:
Latest draft stories
The group agreed to Lorraine sending everyone the email addresses for all members.   
It was agreed that a brief background/explanation of the group would be inserted in the book before the bios.
Action:            Lorraine to send email addresses to group members
Action:            Everyone to send their latest draft to all members by 13 June. 
Action:            Lorraine to remove line numbers from all stories.

The group agreed to the following for marketing the anthology:
·         With the view of endorsing community writing groups and supporting community initiatives, it was agreed that Kate Eltham (CEO of QWC) and Local member (Nicole Johnson) be approached regarding:
o   Endorsing the completed book
o   Kate be asked to write the “Foreword” and Nicole be requested to provide a ‘quote’ to be included before the bios.  
Kate and Nicole will be sent a copy of the final manuscript.
·         Lou offered to email group members the appropriate forms involved in producing a ’30-seconds ‘book trailer’ as it was agreed this would be a good marketing tool.  Consideration of privacy issues was discussed.
·         It was agreed there was benefit in marketing the book to local members and enquiring about the possibility of including an article about the anthology in their newsletter.  If appropriate, the group would provide guidelines. 
·         Lou suggested that the book be launched at both Fairfield Library and Avid Readers Bookstore at West End.
·         Lou offered to write to some book shops about the possibility of selling the anthology at their store.
·         A segment on U-Tube, prior to the book launch, was discussed.  Lou offered to provide a proof of concept to members and mentioned there would be no cost.
·         Helga offered to prepare a ‘marketing’ pamphlet.
·         Lou offered to send everyone the Marketing Plan document after 25 June.
·         Lorriane said her husband would make up more posters for the launch, if required.
Action             Lou to approach Kate Eltham, CEO of QWC, regarding endorsing “Life’s a Roller Coaster”. 
Action             Lou to email group members with an invitation list for potential buyers of the book.  ..
Action             Lou to send group members a copy of the draft Marketing Plan after 25 June.
Action             Lou to provide U-Tube ‘proof of concept’
Action             Lou to send requests to some book stores about the possibility of selling the anthology book.
Action             Helga to produce draft pamphlet.
Action             ALL to provide names of friends/colleagues/family who could be potential buyers.
Action             Lorraine to send Lou author bios.
A big thank-you to all those who have offered to assist and are actioning items in the minutes.
Next Anthology Meeting: Saturday 9 July 2011
9.30am at the back of the Fairfield Library

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