About Us

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Fairfield, Queensland, Australia
Fairfield Writers Group is a mix of beginner and experienced writers who meet the second and fourth Saturdays of the month at the Brisbane City Council Library in Fairfield Gardens Shopping Centre, Fairfield road, Fairfield, Queensland. Our passion is writing and we work hard at our craft. Our aim is to encourage, support and help each other to reach new heights in our writing. New members are always made welcome and usually whisked off to the local coffee shop at the end of meetings for sustenance and socialisation with the rest of the crew.

Welcome to Fairfield Writers Group

We hope you will stop for a while and browse our site and if you like what you see, please visit us again soon.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Members of The Fairfield Writers Group are writing another anthology to be available September 2011.

Below are the October minutes,the updated project plan and guidelines of how to write an outline for the anthology

Present: Carol, Lorraine, Helga, Jennifer, Martin, Cecilia, Renae and Anna.
Apologies: Findlay.
Chairing this meeting: Anna

 The Fairfield Writers Group decided in September to proceed with another Anthology. The members that wish to participate are:   Helga, Lorraine, Jennifer, Findlay and Anna.

 Lorraine has kindly set up a plan in order to make sure we are on schedule for the release of our anthology around September/October 2011.This plan was emailed out in September.

 Ideas for the theme of our anthology are as follows:

1. Swings and roundabouts.
2. Life’s a rollercoaster.
3. Memories
4. Out of the window
5. Sliding doors

 Theme for Anthology 2011 as voted by the members:   LIFE’S A ROLLERCOASTER.

 It was decided that a $100 deposit will be required at our next Anthology meeting which is on the 11th of December 2010. This deposit will secure your contribution to the book.

 The stories submitted by the members will be arranged in alphabetical order.

 Number of words required is approx 10,000 words. This could be in the form of one story or two stories each having 5,000 words each.

 As the theme is depicting life as full of ups and downs you can write one happy and one sad story.

 An outline of the story is to be submitted on the 11th of December.

 Lorraine will send out a sample and guidelines of how to present your outline.

 Lorraine will also update the plan and include a checklist for every meeting.

 It was agreed that media coverage and arranging sponsorship was important in successfully marketing the book. Further discussion required at future meetings.


Next Anthology Meeting: 11 December 2010

Anthology Project Plan

 Writing a Synopsis and Submission Cover Letter
Find out how to write your outline for the anthology

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