About Us

My photo
Fairfield, Queensland, Australia
Fairfield Writers Group is a mix of beginner and experienced writers who meet the second and fourth Saturdays of the month at the Brisbane City Council Library in Fairfield Gardens Shopping Centre, Fairfield road, Fairfield, Queensland. Our passion is writing and we work hard at our craft. Our aim is to encourage, support and help each other to reach new heights in our writing. New members are always made welcome and usually whisked off to the local coffee shop at the end of meetings for sustenance and socialisation with the rest of the crew.

Welcome to Fairfield Writers Group

We hope you will stop for a while and browse our site and if you like what you see, please visit us again soon.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

00205395.gifDue to the Queensland floods,
Fairfield Writers group will be unable to have their monthly meeting at

Fairfield Library
Fairfield Gardens Shopping Centre, Fairfield Road, Fairfield Rd, FAIRFIELD, QLD, 4103.

A temporay venue is currently being arranged.

The next meeting will be the 12th of February and will go ahead as planned.

Stay tuned for further details.



12th of Feb 2011     ANTHOLOGY GROUP       9.30am -10.30am
                                EXERCISE GROUP            10.30am-12.00 approx
26th of Feb 2011     NOVEL GROUP                  10.30am-12.00 approx

TEMPORARY VENUE:                  Yeronga Services Club Inc
 Cnr Fairfield Rd & Kadumba St
Yeronga QLD 4104


Key points to be discussed or actioned on the
12th of Feb meeting:
1. Submit first draft of story/stories in the formatted template.
2. Cover concept to be agreed.
3. Select a “buddy” to work with.
4. Discuss word count cost.
5. Any other issues.


Writers Festivals and Events 2011 - Australia

4 to 7 March 2011 - Perth Writers' Festival - University of Western Australia

16 to 18 March 2011 - Somerset Writers' Festival - Somerset College, Mudgeeraba, Queensland.

31 March to 3 April 2011 - Oracles of the Bush - live performances of Australian Bush poetry, music and art. Tenterfield, New South Wales.

2 & 3 April 2011 - The Norman Lindsay Festival of Children's Literature at the Norman Lindsay Gallery, 14 Norman Lindsay Crescent, Faulconbridge, Blue Mountains, New South Wales.

6 to 8 April 2011 - Lit Fest - Young adult and children's literature festival hosted by the All Saints College, Bull Creek, Western Australia.

21 to 25 April 2011 - Swancon - The annual West Australian Science Fiction Convention.

29 April to 1 May 2011 - Williamstown Literary Festival - Williamstown, western Victoria.

16 to 22 May 2011 - Sydney Writers Festival

6 & 7 June 2011 - Voices on the Coast: A Youth Literature Festival - Sunshine Coast, Queensland.

17 to 20 June 2011 - Watermark Literary Muster - Biennial festival bringing together national and international writers whose writing focuses on nature. Camden Haven, New South Wales.

14 to 17 July 2011 - Mildura Writers Festival


Fairfield Writers Group
Exercise Meeting
8th of January 2011

Present: Carol, Lorraine, Helga, Maarten, Findlay, Jennifer, Lou, Vera, Anne, Dani, Wendy and Anna.

Apologies: Cecilia.
Chairing this meeting: Anna

• Great turnout for our first meeting for 2011. We welcome two new members Dani and Wendy.

This meeting was based mostly on goal setting. What plans we have to improve our writing and any ideas to improve the running of the group.

Our focus is to be “OUT THERE” and become more involved in the writing world and to gain exposure.

These include the following:-

Meeting room- it was agreed by most that the group needs privacy when we have our meetings.
Carol and Anna will speak to the library and see if a meeting room can be arranged or a large table to be reserved at the back of the library with a partition to provide privacy.

FWG positions- it was agreed that there are several positions in the group that need to be filled as some members are doing most of the work.Carol will send out a list of positions to filled. They will be voted on at the next meeting.

• State of Writing. As part of our focus “TO BE OUT THERE,”FWG have become members of a State of Writing. This is a website that connects everyone in the writing world from publishers to librarians. It a great social network for the group.

Therefore two more positions have been created to concentrate on our networking.

1. State of Writing
2. Media.

• Blog- members had a chance to look at the blog in order to use it as a reference.
There will be a lot more focus on the blog as part of our networking and as a source of information. Twitter and Facebook are also options we will develop as part of our goal this year.

• Workshops- Utilise the QWC and the library to arrange workshops to help improve our writing skills.

• Computer sessions-Some members require assistance with using their computer.Some computer sessions maybe set up at the library to help with this.

• Youth Group- Members to decide how to proceed with this group.

An agenda of issues and positions will be emailed to all members and then voted on at the next meeting.


22nd of January-Novel Meeting
12th of February-Exercise Meeting


8th OF JANUARY 2011

Present: Lorraine, Helga, Jennifer, Maarten, Lou, Findlay and Anna.
Chairing this meeting: Anna

The following key points were discussed in this meeting:

 Finalise the list of participants in our Anthology project and, from that, calculate the word count for each participant.
The members who have been approved for the FWG Anthology 2011 are
Lorraine, Helga, Findlay, Lou, Jennifer, Maarten and Anna.
The word count was estimated to be about 10,000 words per author. Some members have already written over that number. It was decided that Lorraine would get a quote of the cost of the book based on 10,000 words.

 Review any new or revised Precise submissions.
Lou has provided her precise for the anthology, which has been accepted.

 Discuss any issues members have with using the template and reach agreement on any issues of formatting etc.
Some members require assistance with the template. Therefore the blog has been set up to include all information regarding the anthology, including any handy hints of how to use the template. It has also been decided we will book sessions to use the computer at the library when required, to help members use the template effectively.

 Discuss the logistics for future meetings and exchanging drafts with 'buddies' and editors. (e.g. Do we want to be bringing multiple copies of an entire story to meetings.
(It could be a lot of printing, as some stories might run to over 20 pages!!!). Discuss ideas for Anthology website/blog to hopefully help with issues of logistics.

Arranging a buddy system will be discussed in the next meeting. Also all members had a chance to look at the anthology section on the blog. In the next meeting the logistics of the printing of the drafts will be discussed.

 Allow anyone who needs help with their first draft to raise questions, ask for help, etc.
Major concern so far is the word count. Some members had exceeded the 10,000 word limit and others didn’t know what to aim for. It was decided that participates write as much as they needed for their story/stories. The cost would be decided later.

 Allow time for discussion of any other business that any group member might wish to introduce (including the cover design if Helga wishes to progress discussion at this time.)

Helga provided the drawing for the cover as per ideas at the previous meeting. We all liked the idea of a rollercoaster on the cover and suggestions were added to improve the drawing. Helga will make the few adjustments and present the cover at the next meeting.

It was decided that we need to focus on our marketing strategy. This will be discussed at the March meeting.

Key points to be discussed or actioned in the next meeting:
1. Submit first draft of story/stories in the formatted template.
2. Cover concept to be agreed.
3. Select a “buddy” to work with.
4. Discuss word count cost.
5. Any other issues


Next Anthology Meeting: 12th of February 2011



Present: Carol, Lorraine, Helga, Jennifer, Martin, Maarten, Lou, Harry and Anna
Apologies: Findlay.
Chairing this meeting: Anna

 Members wishing to participate in the 2011 Anthology submitted and read out their cover letter requesting their story to be included in the book.

 Each member also submitted a Precise/Synopsis of their story for approval.

 Payment of deposit was collected from members wishing to participate in the anthology.

 Helga provided a few drawings to be considered for the cover of the book.

 Lorraine to provide a template for all to use when writing their story.


Next Anthology Meeting:
8th of January 2011

Thursday, January 6, 2011



8th of Jan 2011       ANTHOLOGY GROUP       9.30am
                               EXERCISE GROUP           10.30am

22nd of Jan 2011     NOVEL GROUP


00286670.gifWELCOME BACK!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a safe New Year.
Are you all ready for a very exciting and inspiration year ahead!

Our first meeting back is on the 8th of January 2011 starting at 10.30am

This meeting will be about
  1. Goal setting meeting. Any ideas and thoughts of how we can improve our writing and our group will be discussed.
  2. Bring any piece of writing you would like to share and have critiqued.
Looking forward to a great writing year!



Our first meeting for the Youth Group was held in Dec last year. Considering the Tafe's and Universities were on holidays, we were able to welcome Harry from Yeronga Tafe to the group.

It was a successful meeting, Harry was able to give us an insight to what students are doing in the area of writing.There is alot of talent out there and Fairfield Writers Group want to encourage and support that.

It was great to see that there is interest in the group and now that the new year is here we can move forward and get this group up and running.

Our ad for the group will be in Feb's "What's on" booklet. Our focus will be to talk to the Tafe's,Schools and Unversities in the area to encourage students to join the group in the hopes of developing their writing potential.

Looking forward to a great and exciting year ahead!



 8th of January 2011
12th of Febuary 2011


Newsletter – December 2010
Fairfield Writers Group

Working With Words
 In this issue:

Minutes of meeting

Writing Workshop
Christmas Party
Youth Group
January Meeting

Program for 2111

Meeting Dates
                                       December Issue 

Fairfield Writers Group Meeting Report -
11 December 2010

Present: Jennifer, Carol, Cecilia, Helga, Anna, Lorraine, Maarten, Martin, Karen, Lou and we welcomed three new members, Anne, Vera and Bob
Apologies: None

  • What an excellent turn-up we had for our last meeting of the year. Our writing workshop morning was a success and as always was fun. A lot of interesting stories were read out and hopefully some of them will be starters for longer pieces throughout the year. We were also treated to morning tea by the library staff, which was most enjoyable and welcomed by all of us.

  • The meeting closed at 12.30 pm and then it was off to the Coffee Shop for our Christmas Party. Jin provided us with delicious sandwiches, tea and coffee. We treated ourselves to the ‘sweet stuff’ members had brought along for afters. I think I can safely say we enjoyed ourselves. I took some photos at the writing workshop and Christmas party. Anna will post them to our blog as soon as she can.

  • What a big day it was for us writers and made an excellent finish to the year. It was an especially big day for our Anthology Group and those who organised the first meeting of our Youth Group, as their meetings were held before our writing workshop. How’s that for a meeting marathon?

  • Although attendance was a little disappointing at the first Youth Group meeting, we hope to have more interest shown in the New Year when schools and universities resume.

  • There will be no set exercise for our January meeting. Just bring along a piece of your writing to share and be critiqued.

  • We will be discussing a program to follow throughout the year so put your thinking caps on and bring your ideas to the meeting.

Happy writing in 2011. May you be creative and productive!


Next meetings:
8 January – BYO piece of writing
22 January – Novel/Short Stories


Jan 8 at 9.30am at the Fairfield Library

Action note: Please email your Precise and Letter to Lorraine.

  In this meeting the following will be discussed and actioned:

1.  Finalise the list of participants in our Anthology project and, from that, calculate the word count for each participant.
That means that if you haven't yet submitted a Precise and letter requesting inclusion of your proposed story,
you should do so on Jan. 8. You must also pay your deposit if you haven't yet done so.

2.  Review any new or revised Precise submissions.

3.  Discuss any issues members have with using the template and reach agreement on any issues of formatting etc.

4.  Discuss the logistics for future meetings and exchanging drafts with 'buddies' and editors. (e.g. Do we want to be bringing multiple copies of an entire story to meetings.
(It could be a lot of printing, as some stories might run to over 20 pages!!!). Discuss ideas for Anthology website/blog to hopefully help with issues of logistics.

5.  Allow anyone who needs help with their first draft to raise questions, ask for help, etc.

6.  Allow time for discussion of any other business that any group member might wish to introduce (including the cover design if Helga wishes to progress discussion at this time.)
Please find below the attachment for



Once our last meeting for 2010 finished, it was off to the Coffee Shop
for our Christmas Party.

Jin provided us with delicious sandwiches, tea and coffee.
We treated ourselves to the ‘sweet stuff’ members had brought along for afters.

It was a great way to get together and celebrate all our achievements this year.

I think I can safely say we enjoyed ourselves!


What an excellent turn-up we had for our last meeting of the year. Our writing workshop morning was a success and as always was fun. A lot of interesting stories were read out and hopefully some of them will be starters for longer pieces throughout the year.


The CALEB Prize

for faith-inspired writing
by Australasian writers
is now open!

1 Jan - 30 Jun, 2011

3 main sections:
fiction, non-fiction, poetry
(also unpublished manuscript)

Top Prize: $1000
+ other monetary prizes, vouchers and trophies +

+ reviews available on all books +
entry forms and full details at

Omega Writers Inc - 'words with wings': Omega Writers Inc, PO Box 492, Corinda Qld 4075 Australia


We will run four short story competitions in 2011. The deadlines will be the end of February, May, August and November. Our main writing competitions have an open theme with a 3,000 word limit. There are three prizes to the top three winning writers of £100, £50 and £25. There will also be the opportunity for the stories to be published on our website as well as being recorded for broadcast on Brighton’s Coastway Hospital Radio, which provides music and entertainment to a network of Brighton hospitals.

The competition is just four pounds to enter, via PayPal or cheque, and the competition is open to writers worldwide. Stories can be submitted online along with payment or by post with a cheque. We will notify all entrants of receipt of their story. Each entry will be judged impartially and be read at least twice in full before judging decisions are made.

We are planning some fun free to enter contests too. Our first is a flash fiction- 250 word limit. Deadline 31st January 2011. Five song titles are on the site as themes. Three ten pound prizes and publication on site.

Thank you
Andrew Campbell-Kearsey (BrightonCow)
(The COW part stands for Community of Writers)