Newsletter – October 2010
Fairfield Writers Group
In this issue:
Minutes of meeting – Exercises Group -
Change of critiquing guidelines
November Exercise
Christmas Party
Minutes of meeting–Novel/Short Stories -
Formation of Youth Group
Works in Progress
Meeting Dates
October 2010
Volume 1, Number 9
Minutes of meeting – Exercises Group
Present: Carol, Lorraine, Helga, Jennifer, Martin, Cecilia, Renae and Anna.
Apologies: Findlay.
Chairing this meeting: Anna
Great turnout! We welcomed the return of Martin and a new member to our group Renae.
Due to the large group we divided into two groups to critique our October exercise.
This proved to be very useful as we acknowledge that it was hard to concentrate when one group was providing feedback and the other group was reading. Also all members didn’t want to miss out reading each other’s work.
Due to this, members voted that feedback only be given by each member if a new point is to be made about the piece of work being critiqued. Many times in previous meetings, feedback was provided by one member and was usually repeated by others.
This month’s exercise was characterisation, which was quite an eye opener and very enjoyable.
Our new member, Renae, read out her poetry, which was quite delightful. We are all looking forward to reading more.
Martin has come back after successfully selling his book. Well Done!
November Exercise: “Show Don’t Tell” to be submitted by Carol.
11th December is the last Fairfield Writers Meeting for 2010. This session will be a writing workshop. We all had lots of fun last time and great ideas came out of it.
Our Christmas party will be at the coffee shop on the 11th December after our writing workshop.
Minutes of meeting – Novel Group -
Present: Carol, Lorraine, Helga, Martin, Karen and Anna.
Apologies: Findlay
Chairing this meeting: Anna
Martin came up with a brilliant idea of setting up a Youth Group for 18-25 year olds.
Fairfield Library to be approached by Anna to see if they are happy for us to organise the group.
Lorraine to organize flyer and Anna to arrange for the ad to appear in what’s on.
Students and schools to be contacted. Martin and Lorraine to see if there is any interest.
Anna provided her first copy of her new novel.
An outline of Martin’s new novel was read out. It sounds very exciting!
Karen read out her Children’s book. A wonderful adventure story.
The 8th story in Carol’s series of stories about her beloved dogs is a wonderful read.
Helga continues her interesting novel.
Lorraine’s novel is coming along nicely.
Next meetings:
13 November – Set Exercise
27 November – Novel/Short Stories