About Us

My photo
Fairfield, Queensland, Australia
Fairfield Writers Group is a mix of beginner and experienced writers who meet the second and fourth Saturdays of the month at the Brisbane City Council Library in Fairfield Gardens Shopping Centre, Fairfield road, Fairfield, Queensland. Our passion is writing and we work hard at our craft. Our aim is to encourage, support and help each other to reach new heights in our writing. New members are always made welcome and usually whisked off to the local coffee shop at the end of meetings for sustenance and socialisation with the rest of the crew.

Welcome to Fairfield Writers Group

We hope you will stop for a while and browse our site and if you like what you see, please visit us again soon.

Monday, October 18, 2010



Fairfield Writers Group launched its first anthology of short stories, Beginnings: Queensland stories,
on September 26, 2009.

Due to popular demand we are having a booksigning event.
Come meet the writers of this wonderful collection of stories.

Come one and all!

Level 4, Indooroopilly Shoppingtown
322 Moggill Road
Indooroopilly Qld 4068


TIME: 10.30AM

Next FWG Meeting

Next Meetings:

Exercises Group: 13 November 2010
Novel/Short Stories Group: 27 November 2010

Newsletter-September 2010

Newsletter – September 2010
Fairfield Writers Group

In this issue:

Minutes of meeting – Exercises Group
Christmas Booklet
October Exercise
Contributor to blog for September
Minutes of meeting – Novel-Short Stories Group
September 2010
Volume 1, Number 8

Minutes of meeting Fairfield Writers Group
– 11 September 2010

It was a lively meeting with many things to discuss.
Present were: Carol, Helga, Jennifer, Lorraine, Maarteen, Pam and new member Bill.
Apologies from Anna, Cecelia and Rosemary.

First point: Carol told of Rosemary’s sickness. We are all very sorry and wish her a speedy recovery.
Second point: Helga presented first draft of Christmas booklet. Several members were urged to finalise their drafts.
Third point: Discussion on our new Anthology. We decided to publish our new anthology in September/October 2011.

Lorraine suggested that a stricter method must be applied than in our previous endeavour. She promised to E-mail a structure with deadlines for several steps.

First step: Outline and Précis to be submitted at December meeting.
Second step: First draft to be ready by February meeting.

Four further drafts and the sign-off drafts to be determined after that.

A theme for the book has to be decided. Members are asked to submit likely themes by next meeting, on the 9th of October.

Several examples were floated: Fire, Friendship, Childhood, Flying Free, On the Wings of Time.

A democratic vote will determine the choice of theme and title for our new book.

The length of Essays will depend on the number of contributions.

The colours of the cover will again be magenta and black.

Fourth point: The October assignment will be 'Generating Story Ideas starting from Character' submitted by Lorraine

Fifth point: Carol suggested November assignment to be a ‘Show and Tell’ piece.

Sixth point: Jennifer chaired discussions on September assignments. Lorraine’s, Carol’s, Helga’s and Jennifer’s works were critiqued, Carol read hers aloud and Jennifer will submit hers (A lovely little story about a bird and his ladies) for inclusion on our Blog.


Minutes of meeting Fairfield Writers Group
 – 25 September 2010

Present: Carol, Helga, Lorraine, Pam and Anna
Apologies: Cecilia, Bill and Maarten
Chairing this meeting - Anna

Lorraine provided the next chapter of her novel. It is blossoming to quite an interesting and exciting read. Looking forward to next chapter.

Pam submitted her Christmas story that will be used for the Christmas booklet later this year.

The final draft of Anna’ s children’s s book was submitted.


Next Meetings:

9 October – Set Exercise

23 October – Novel/Short Stories

Writing Exercise for November


‘Show don’t tell’

Write a piece up to 1000 words in length using the principle of ‘show don’t tell’.

(example 1) ‘SHOW DON’T TELL’
In real life you don't walk outside in the morning and say "Cloud cover is thick. Temperature is 32 degrees. Humidity is 42 percent. Traffic is heavy. It's late September. The postman is irritable today."

What you DO do is walk outside and see with your eyes that it's gray and dim and you look up and see thick dark clouds; you feel the temperature, and either feel warm or shiver. If you breathe deeply and the air is thick, you might decide it's humid. You hear the roar of the traffic and think "Hmm. The highway is busy today." You see the postman coming up the drive and if his mouth is turned down and his eyes squint and he glares silently at you, you conclude he must be grumpy.

Good fiction writers create action scenes and experiences to convey information, so that the reader learns through experience rather than through being 'lectured'. Readers want to FEEL the message, rather than simply being told. Readers are smart. They like to draw their own conclusions, so the writer's job is to present evidence that allows them to make their own judgments, rather than to tell them how to think.

He was very tall.

Even though he ducked as he entered the doorway, he still cracked his head on the top.
OR As he walked into the room, suddenly the eight foot ceiling looked like someone had lowered it a foot.

It was Jim at the door. His face was twisted with anger. I was concerned and invited him in and the two of us started to talk.

"Jim... what's wrong? Please come in."

As he lowered himself onto my couch, I noticed his red-rimmed eyes, creased forehead, tight lips, and clenched fists.

"Tell me what's happened."

Joe was an impatient, driven man, who constantly whined about being frantically busy.

Joe walked jerkily into the office. He swooped onto the empty chair, drummed his fingers on the desktop, crossed and uncrossed his legs, glared at Sally, and snapped "I'm here. I don't have all day. Get to the point. I'm a busy man."

Sally was so angry that she attacked him.

Sally began to shake. The words tumbled out of her mouth, the vicious language shocking her. She didn't even recognise her own voice. Her hands formed claws as she struck out at him.

(Example 2)

Focus Of The Month- NOVELS

This month we will focus on Novel Writing. Many thanks to Lorraine for providing very useful information
 in regards to writing a novel.

9 Must-follow Manuscript Rules
(from Writer's Digest - by Anica Mrose Rissi)

1. Revise, revise, revise! I don’t want to read your first draft, ever. (Tip: Your novel isn’t ready to send to me until you can describe it in one sentence.)

2. Start with conflict and tension to raise questions, arouse curiosity and (like musical dissonance) create the need for resolution.

3. Start with the story you’re telling, not with the backstory. Throw the reader directly into a conflict and let her get to know your characters through their actions. (Yes, this is another way of saying, “Show, don’t tell.”)

4. Give the reader something to wonder about and a sense of where the story is going—of what’s at stake.

5. Avoid explaining too much too soon. And, don’t be obvious. Trust your readers. Trust your characters. Trust your writing. If you find that chunks of your story need to include long explanations, go back in and write those chunks better, until the story explains itself.

6. Make sure your story has both a plot arc and an emotional arc. Cross internal conflict with external conflict. Give your characters moral dilemmas, and force them to deal with the consequences of their choices.

7. Read your dialogue out loud. When revising, ask yourself, “What is the point of this dialogue?” (Just as you should be asking, “What is the point of this sentence? What is the point of this scene?”)

8. Use adjectives, adverbs and dialogue tags only sparingly. (See “trust your readers,” above.)

9. Make sure your details matter.

Write a Better Novel

Hi Everyone,
Have a look at this article it shares some great advice.
Revising as You Go is Procrastination

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Quote of The Week

If you think that something small cannot make a difference, try going to sleep with a mosquito in the room.

Next Fairfield Writers Meeting

Next Meetings:
Exercises Group: 9 October 2010
Novel/Short Stories Group: 23 October 2010



Fairfield Writers Group launched its first anthology of short stories, Beginnings: Queensland stories,
on September 26, 2009.

Due to popular demand we are having a booksigning event.
Come meet the writers of this wonderful collection of stories.
Come one and all!

                 Level 4, Indooroopilly Shoppingtown
                 322 Moggill Road
                 Indooroopilly Qld 4068


TIME: 10.30AM


Resource Sheet
Want to connect with other writers and find a writers' group? Check out QWC's Resource Sheet on the topic. Also, don't forget to sign up for A State of Writing (http://astateofwriting.org.au/), an open network which welcomes members who are passionate about supporting creative engagement with writing, reading, and storytelling throughout Queensland.

Position Vacant - Operations and Business Development Manager
The Operations and Business Development Manager is a new position responsible for supporting the vision and strategic direction of Queensland Writers Centre by managing its operational and administrative requirements, to ensure the effective and efficient day-to-day operation of the organisation. This is a senior leadership role within QWC and includes overseeing financial, logistical, and commercial activities in accordance with the directives of the Chief Executive Officer, providing support to the Management Committee, reporting to funding bodies and key stakeholders, and managing specific commercial projects in partnership with government departments and other staff members. For further information click here. Applications must be emailed by 5pm on Monday 11 October 2010 to: Beth Flatley, General Manager, at bflatley@qwc.asn.au.

Romance Writing
with Barbara Hannay
When: 10am-4.30pm, Saturday 23 October
Where: CityLibraries Thuringowa Central, 86 Thuringowa Drive, Thuringowa Central, Townsville
Cost: QWC members $85
concession members $75
non-members $115
For more information, or to book, click here.

if:book Australia: In Conversation with Mark Coker
When: 2pm-4pm, Sunday 10 October
Where: Lab 2, The Edge, slq
Cost: Free
American publisher, author, investor, and Smashwords founder Mark Coker believes that, rather than causing the death of the book, the e-book is set to save it. Join Mark as he discusses his ideas about the future of publishing. Mark is in Australia as part of if:book Australia's Next Text seminar series.

PIR News
If you didn't make it to Emily XYZ's legacy launch, you missed out on a great night of disco ball-spinning entertainment. Check out the video clip of Emily's poem A Little Revolution on youtube. Part 1 lives here and part two lives here. Recorded and remixed by Darek Mudge at The Shed. Filmed by Pascalle Burton with Ian Powne.

Only one week to go before Queensland Writers Week starts on Monday 11 October. There is still time to register an event. Visit the Queensland Writers Week website and view the current program or send in your own event!

Tropical Writers Festival 15-17 October
Being held during Queensland Writers Week, the Tropical Writers Festival will be setting imaginations no fire in 2010, with an irresistible array of workshops with James Phelan, Sylvia Kelso, Barbara Hannay, and Angela Murphy.
Free events include industry seminars and conversations with festival guests as well as performances and readings. Book early for the festival's Literary Dinner, tickets will sell fast for this amazing event which will include a key note by special guest Gretel Killeen!

Resident Partners
CBCA presents Write Around Moreton Bay: Readers and Writers Festival
When: 15-22 October 2010
With free author talks, discussion panels, workshops, and a publishing forum. Pick up a program at your local Moreton Bay Region Library or visit www.moretonbay.qld.gov.au/libraries.

NEW PRIZE: kuril dhagun Indigenous Writing Fellowship
The State Library of Queensland is seeking manuscript entries for the inaugural kuril dhagun Indigenous Writing Fellowship. Two Fellowships worth $10,000 each will be awarded in 2011. Entries are open to published and unpublished writers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent. Manuscripts are invited in the genres of Adult Fiction (min. 60 000 words), Poetry (min. 30 poems), Children's Books and Young Adult Fiction (min. 45 000 words). The Fellowship includes manuscript development under the kuril dhagun Indigenous Editing Mentorship program based at the Queensland Writers Centre in the State Library. Every entrant will receive feedback from the judging panel. Go online for guidelines and an entry form. Deadline is 5pm, 31 January 2011. For more information, email indigenous.writing@slq.qld.gov.au or phone 07 3842 9484.

Community Concert
Award winning author/illustrator Narelle Oliver joins with Toowoomba Concert Orchestra for a free community concert.
When: 2.30pm, Saturday 9 October
Where: Concert Hall, University of Southern Queensland
Followed by a book signing and raffle draw of an original art work and collection of Narelle's books.
Raffle tickets will be on sale at the event. Enjoy a wonderful afternoon where Narelle's books will come alive through music and storytelling!

Sometimes writing about your writing helps you to work through your ideas, but often it works better if you're writing to someone. If you're interested in connecting via email with others who wish to work through their character, structure, prose, poetry and what-is-that-damned-word-I-can't-think-of problems with others, go to http://au.groups.yahoo.com/group/emailists/ and click on the excessively exclamatory and over-capitalised 'Join This Group!' button, or just send an email to Neil at neil.huybregts@hotmail.com.

Book Launch
Join Angela Sunde for a fun-packed family afternoon as she celebrates the launch of her debut children's book, Pond Magic. Launching Pond Magic will be award-winning children's author and illustrator Narelle Oliver. MC for the afternoon will be international award-winning children's songwriter and entertainer, Nadia Sunde, who will also perform on the day.
When: 2pm, Sunday 17 October
Where: Marks and Gardner Gallery, 69 Main Western Road, North Tambourine
Cost: The event is free. All welcome. RSVP to art@marksandgardner.com or angelasunde@live.com.au.
There will be activities, games and songs for all ages. And be sure to wear your favourite fairytale costume or come dressed in something French - and not just the kids! There will be prizes for best costume (adults too), a free raffle and don't forget to practice your best burp for the burping competition!

Public Lecture by Shaun Tan
QUT Creative Writing and Literary Studies is delighted to bring you a free public lecture by Shaun Tan.
During the lecture, Shaun will be talking in the first half about the making of The Arrival; in the second hour he will be focusing on the creative processes around adapting The Lost Thing to film (this will be released as a 15 min short in November).
When: 6.30pm-8.30pm, Wednesday 13 October
Where: Room F509 at the Kelvin Grove QUT Campus, Brisbane
To book, email ci.publiclectures@qut.edu.au and use the term 'RSVP Shaun Tan' as the subject line for your email. This lecture is being run by Creative Writing and Literary Studies, Creative Industries Faculty, Queensland University of Technology (www.creativeindustries.qut.edu.au).

Black Ink Press Open Day
Come and celebrate 10 years of publishing with Black Ink Press' Indigenous writers and illustrators. There will be: entertainment; food and drink; art exhibition; history display; giveaways; storytelling; and 20% off books.
When: 11am-4pm, Friday 8 October
Where: Black Ink Press, Yalga-binbi Training Centre, 190 Herveys Range Road, (behind Shalom College), Townsville
To RSVP, email Desley Barba at projects@blackinkpress.com.au or phone 07 4773 5077.

2010 Express Media Awards Extravaganza
Express Media wants you to make your own nominations in the following categories.
Best new project by a young person or young people in each state (please indicate city this project takes place in)
Outstanding achievement by a young writer working across art forms in 2010
Outstanding achievement by a young writer in 2010
If you know of anyone or any groups who you think should be nominated, please don't hesitate to let Express Media know via email. More information about the awards can be found here.

Cordite has opened submissions for their 34th issue, Children of Malley II, to be guest-edited by Liam Ferney, celebrating the 5th anniversary of their original exploration of the progeny of Ern Malley by doing it all over again! Send us five poems on the Malley theme (including a nom and bio de malley) before 15 October 2010. All the details here.

Australian Poetry Centre
Australian Poetry Ltd is a new organisation about to be launched in 2011 as a merger between the Australian Poetry Centre based in Melbourne and Poets Union based in NSW. It will be the peak industry body for poetry in this country, based at the Wheeler Centre in Melbourne, with a charter to promote and support Australian poets and poetry locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. Australian Poetry is seeking a Publications Manager to oversee the publications arm of the organisation, including the publication, marketing and distribution of our flagship poetry journal. This is a full time paid position and will commence January 2011. Deadline for applications is 5pm Friday 22 October. To find out more information or apply, please email paul@australianpoetrycentre.org.au for a position description and the selection criteria.

M2 Entertainment Seeking Scripts
M2E is a private film finance and production company committed to supporting talented film-makers bring their vision to the screen. Through a multi-million dollar fund that the company manages, they look forward to committing their finance to supporting talented writers, directors and producers over the coming years.
If you have a screenplay that you would like to submit for financing, please visit the website at:

Classified Advertising
Publishing Boot Camp 2010 - Everything you need to know about the business of books
Publishing is a business. Big business. Unless you're prepared to sit around waiting for your lucky break the smartest thing you can do is get educated. That's why Red Hill Publishing created Publishing Boot Camp 2010. Using a typical publishing workflow they explain every process that makes a commercially viable book. Editorial, design, marketing, print, ebooks, distribution and more.
Publishing Boot Camp is about the business of books. The forum and workshop program is designed for: aspiring & established authors; independent publishers; current & future publishing professionals.
This might just be the smartest investment you make in your publishing career this year.
Publishing Boot Camp 2010. PLEASE NOTE NEW DATE: Saturday 27 November. Brisbane, Australia.
For more information visit redhillpublishing.com. Publishing Boot Camp 2010 is proudly presented by Red Hill Publishing.

Win! Win! Win!
Chloe Moretz (Hit Girl from Kick-Ass) stars as Abby, a mysterious 12-year old girl, who moves next door to Owen (Kodi Smit-McPhee, The Road). Owen is a social outcast who is viciously bullied at school and in his loneliness, forms a profound bond with his new neighbour. Owen can't help noticing that Abby is like no one he has ever met before. As a string of grisly murders occupy the town, Owen has to confront the reality that this seemingly innocent girl is really a savage vampire. Let Me In, a haunting and provocative thriller written and directed by filmmaker Matt Reeves (Cloverfield), is based on the bestselling Swedish novel Lat den Ratte Komma (Let The Right One In) by John Ajvide Lindqvist, and the highly-acclaimed film of the same name.
www.letmein-movie.com/ ONLY AT THE MOVIES 14 OCTOBER
We have 10 double in-season tickets to give away. To win tickets, email your name and postal address to jdevantier@qwc.asn.au with 'let the right one in' in the subject line.
Queensland Writers Centre is the state's premier writing organisation. Use this site to find information on our workshops, services, tutors and writing resources in your corner of Queensland. You can also become a QWC member, register for workshops and purchase books and services.
Visit Queensland Writers Centre.
Queensland Writers Centre p: 07 3842 9922
f: 07 3842 9920
w: http://www.qwc.asn.au/


The Word Writers fair
A chance to meet and connect with established and aspiring authors. A great networking and learning opportunity for general market and Christian writers.

Writer workshops
Self-publishing and traditional publishing information
Approaching a publisher

Workshops on: marketing, non-fiction,childrens and fiction
Publishing for the Christian market
Author signings

6th November 2010
Bayside Christian Church Capalaba
Unit 12 & 13 Eureka Centre
29 Moreton Bay Rd
Capalaba Qld 4157


Are you an aspiring or emerging author? Do you want to learn how to establish your presence in the Australian market? And learn the keys to creating successful book launches and events?

Being an author or illustrator means you’re running a business. A crucial part of that business is marketing and promoting yourself and your books. Learn the secrets of successful self-promotion from Aleesah Darlison, one of the hottest new authors and marketers in Australian children’s publishing.

Brainstorm ideas for raising your profile, creating events and making sure your name is remembered. Develop unforgettable ways to launch your next book into the stratosphere. Aleesah provides attendees with all the TIPS and TOOLS a modern or aspiring author needs to stand out from the crowd and get their books selling. Handouts provided.

Topics include:
 Creating an online presence
 The power of networking
 Organising school and library visits
 Festivals, workshops and speakers agencies
 Approaching magazine editors for articles & reviews
 Special event management

Friday 5 November
1.30pm -3pm
Brisbane QLD
Price $15 per person

For more information and expressions of interest email
Book early to avoid disappointment.

Friday, 5th November 4pm

Children’s book creators,
Aleesah Darlison (Puggle’s Problem, Totally Twins),
Sandra Temple (Nerrilee’s World, Puggle’s Problem)
Louise Elliott (Sam and Albert Go to Sea)
will be appearing together at TLC Bookstore, Manly (Brisbane).

Hear all about their books, how they write and illustrate them and what they have coming out next.

Book sales and signings will also take place at the event.

TLC Bookstore
Shop 3, 7 Day Markets,
50 Cambridge Parade
Manly QLD
4:00pm, Friday 5 November
RSVP to TLC Bookstore: (07) 3393 5130 or
Don’t miss this fantastic line-up!  


The Society of Women Writers WA Inc
are pleased to present
Ethel Webb Bundell Inaugural Literary Awards
For Short Stories and Poetry

Short Stories-Open Theme
Poetry-Open Theme

Prizes: First-$250    Second- $150   Third $100

Highly commended and commended certificates will be awarded for each section

Closure date: 31st October 2010
Entry Fee:  $7 per entry (3 entries $20)

Conditions and entry forms can be downloaded from http://www.swwofwa.com/ 
or email: francesrichardson@bigpond.com